Amsterdam 2010

Month: January 2010

7th European Registrars Conference

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8-9 November 2010

Amsterdam, Concertgebouw

The 7th European Registrars’ Conference ERC2010 was organised by the Netherlands Registrars Group – NRG, at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.

The programme, centred on the theme Being Green, alternated between plenary sessions, workshops and seminars, which dealt with various topics such as sustainability in museums and the use of management systems, as well as “green” practices and procedures in the face of an increasingly complex legislative context concerning the circulation of works of art.

Below are the topics and interventions addressed.

Welcome, Introduction, Wrap up
Cindy Zalm, chair Netherlands Registrars Group
Michiel Nijhoff
Paul Spies
Max Meijer

Museums, Registrars and Sustainability
Maurice Davies

Air Freight Safety – European Legislation on Air Freight, Air Freight Safety and Cargo Screening
René Italiaander

TSA (Transportation Security Administration) in the USA
Scott Pfeifer

A Carbon-Neutral Research Centre for Beauty
Randy Klinger

Lending to Europe: an update
Frank Bergevoet

The Art of Transitions to Become Green
Derk Loorbach

Procedures at Museum Ludwig, Cologne
Beatrix Schopp

Sustainability and Climate Control in Museums
Bart Ankersmit

New Approaches to Museum Depots
Hans-Ewald Schneider

Sustainable Storage as Result of a Preventive Approach
Wouter Hijnberg and Marco Martens

Green, Red, Black: Analysis from the Going Green Survey
Stephen Mellor

The Greening of Fine Art Transportation: What Colour is your Crate?
Greg Gahagan, Klaus Hillman and Jonathan Schwartz

Registrars at the Centre of Collections Mobility
Marjolein Cremer

Will Being Green Influence Fine Art insurance?
Stephan Zilkens

The Loan is Insured = Green Light?
Cees Kortleve

From Manual Inventory Books to Digitized Inventory Records: A Preliminary Exploration of the National Palace Museum, Taiwan
Pang-Yen Cheng

Vibrrrrrrrrrrations. – The Impact of Vibration on Works of Art
Bill Wei

Energy-optimized Rebirth: The Renovation of the Wilhelm-Hack-Museum in Ludwigshafen am Rhein
Reinhard Spieler

How to Find a Needle in a Haystack? Implementation of RFID as an Improvement in the Management of a Scientific Collection: the Case of Institut Català de Paleontologia, Barcelona
Laura Celià

Experience with RFID Technology at Apice in Florence
Laura Reina

An International Concern: The Bizot Group Questionnaire and the V&A’s Approach to Becoming a Greener Museum
Sandra Smith

Panel discussion
Towards a new European Organisation: Sustaining the Knowledge of European Collection Mobility

Tracking the Collection: Integrating Location Administration in Your Adlib Database
Judith van Gent, Annelies de Mey and René van de Heuvel

Registrar, a Reference Description
Herma Hofmeijer

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