Strasburgo 2022
XII conferenza europea dei registrar di opere d’arte

3-5 novembre 2022
Strasbourg Convention + Exhibition Centre
La XII conferenza europea dei registrar si è svolta nelle date riviste dal 3 al 5 novembre 2022 presso il Centro Congressi ed Esposizioni di Strasburgo.
L’organizzazione dell’ERC2022 beneficia del sostegno della città di Strasburgo e della Regione Grand Est, nell’ambito del Fondo Cultura del Contratto Triennale di Strasburgo Capitale Europea 2021-2023.
A 22 anni dalla Seconda Conferenza Europea di Registrar, tenutasi a Parigi nel novembre 2000, è un anniversario che abbiamo celebrato insieme. Questa ERC ci ha permesso di ampliare la portata delle nostre riflessioni sulle sfide professionali che dobbiamo gestire e per le quali sviluppiamo competenze professionali specifiche.
La nostra capacità di resilienza e il nostro adattamento dovranno essere messi in discussione e analizzati da un punto di vista socio-professionale e attraverso i legami di lavoro che siamo riusciti a mantenere. La nuova normalità, che ci viene imposta, dovrà essere costruita sulle memorie delle nostre vecchie esistenze e collegare il globale e il locale.
Il FUTURO DI DOMANI non potrebbe esistere senza agire sullo sviluppo sostenibile ed essere coinvolto nella responsabilità ecologica del nostro settore. Queste responsabilità ricadono sui registrar e sui professionisti del patrimonio con cui lavorano.
Coloro che si occupano di presentazione e conservazione devono rispondere creando agenzie, formazione specifica nelle università per formare nuove generazioni di gestori di collezioni e mostre.
Inoltre, i Registrar non lavorano solo nei musei o nelle istituzioni culturali. Sono presenti nelle gallerie d’arte, nelle fondazioni private e nelle università, per rispondere al meglio alle esigenze e ai requisiti di una scena internazionale in continua evoluzione.
Insieme, attraverso la programmazione di questo ERC, il networking e le opportunità di esplorare la città che vi proponiamo, analizziamo queste sfide del presente e quelle che ci aspettano!
dal sito ufficiale della conferenza
Opening Plenary
Welcome from Ludovic Chauwin, AFROA, Robert Graham, Gallagher and Jean-Michel Floret, LP Art President
ERG Panel
Veronique de Alzua, Mudam, Cristina Mulinas, IVAM, Céline Rince-Vaslin, AFROA, Rebecca Romere, Associazione Italiana Registrar di Opere d’Arte, Szófia Molnar, Hungarian Association of Registrar, Tiril Krabbesund, Nordic Group and Eloise Stewart, UKRG
For a Museum that does good: Museotherapy
Nathalie Bondil, Institut du monde arabe
Heritage management and digital practices: current challenges of documentation
Francoise Dalex, Musee de Louvre
Condition state in cultural property conservation: semantic and conceptual clarifications
Grazia Nicosia, Musee de Louvre
EODEM: The Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model
Angela Kipp, CIDOC Documentation Standards Working Group
Why and how to share archaeological data?
Xavier Rodier, Tours University
Courier Training – Scenario Workshop (limited to 20 places, booking in advance required)
Kathy Richmond, Historic Environment Scotland, Edinburgh, Desirée Blomberg, Moderna Museet, Stockholm and Wendela Brouwer, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The implementation of a sustainable development policy within public institutions: the case of the Centre George Pompidou, Paris
Sandrine Beaujard-Vallet, Centre George Pompidou
The environmental role of the crate in the transportation of works of art
Stephane Pompidou, University of Bordeaux
Sustainability and Exhibitions, the experience at the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum
Sonia Nuñez, Guggenheim Bilbao Museum, Bilbao
Introducing the process and result of detailed Information of CO2 emission of a museum as a whole and the registrar in particular
Caren Jones, Museum Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden
Logistics of works of art: where are the options to minimize our environmental impact?
Valérie Bonard, CHENUE/LPArt
AFROA’s actions to raise awareness of risk management for collections
Anne-Laure Rameau, AFROA & Anaïs Desneaux, AFROA
GASP – Assistance group in the event of Heritage / Emergency, a outside helper to museum for risk management
Anthony Zurawski, La Fabrique de patrimoines en Normandie, Caenw
Emergency Plan for the collections of the Museion in Bolzano, Italy
Francesca Peyron, Mazzini Lab Società Benefit, Rome & Cristina Ferretti, Museion, Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bolzano
Cyber Attacks! The risks and lessons learnt
Jen Kaines, Royal Armouries, Leeds, United Kingdom & Katie Robson, Royal Armouries, Leeds, United Kingdom
Tips & Tricks for Sustainable Workloads (limited to 20 places, booking in advance required)
Joanne Smith
Registrars and sustainability: report of the AFROA’s symposiums in 2019 and 2020
Melanie Rivault, Etablissement public des musées d’Orsay et de l’Orangerie & Marie Fekar, Archives nationales
Developing eco-responsible and biobased prototype for preservation of museum collections
Yousra Zerarka, Institute of UniLaSalle Rouen, Biro Caroline, Réunion des musées métropolitains of Rouen, Gattin Richard, Institute of UniLaSalle Rouen and Shehzad Aamir, Institute of UniLaSalle Rouen
Reopening the KMSKA! Bringing home the collection in a sustainable way
Fleur van Paassen, KMSKA (Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp), Antwerp & Lisa van Gerven, KMSKA (Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp), Antwerp
The internationalisation and globalization of museums through the circulation of their objects, the example of Le Louvre
Sebastien Jacquot, University of Paris-Sorbonne & Anne Hertzog, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
Two women and a baby – large sculpture moves
Jacqui Austin, National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh & Lena Pohlmann, Institute for Cultural Exchange, Tubingen, Germany
Challenges of opening a new museum in Hong Kong
Bernadette Lai, M+, Hong Kong & Joyce Li, M+, Hong Kong
Evaluating risks, monitoring and analyzing data of art in transit, Part 1 (limited to 20 places, booking in advance required)
Cecilia Winter, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles & Vincent Beltran, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles
The two key words for curating university collections : pragmatism and collaboration
Sebastian Soubiran, Strasbourg University, Jardin des sciences, Strasbourg & Samuel Cordier, Zoological Museum, Strasbourg
University collections study centres: The impact of use on collections care
Lizzie O’Neill, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
Vesalius – a new university museum for Leuven
Annelies Vogels, KU Leuven, Leuven
How to define a European framework of reference for training?
Helene Vassal, Institut National du Patrimoine
Restricted Collections, Sector Standards, and Collaborative Insights: Registrar Practice from the Perspective of a PhD Researcher
Stuart Bowes, University of Leeds and Royal Armouries, Leeds
The Framework, Practices and Training of Museum Collections Management in Taiwan
Pang Yen Cheng, National Palace Museum, Taipei
Sustainable Strategies for Future Proofing the Workforce I – A Case Study of over 10 years of a Strategic Partnership. Part 1
Jen Kaines, Royal Armouries, Leeds & Abigail Harrison, University of Leeds & Yvonne Hardman, Leeds Museums and Galleries & Laura Bell, Royal Armouries, Leeds
How an estimate is built?
Sylvie Michel, LPArt, Paris, Vanessa Vierkens, Kunsttrans Spedition GmbH, Austria, Patrick LaQuagila, Masterpiece International, USA & Ben Adams, Constantine, UK
Evaluating risks, monitoring and analyzing data of art in transit, Part 2
Cecilia Winter, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles & Vincent Beltran, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles
The virtual courier: New best practices in a post-pandemic world
Cayetana Castillo, Art Institute of Chicago & Matthew Norris, Art Institute of Chicago/ School of the Art Institute
Digital Couriers: What Worked, What Went Wrong and Ideas for the Future
Sabina Schumpf, Basel
Museum’s Registrars and Couriers at the post-Covid era: How do we go forward?
Isabel Bennasar Cabrera, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid
Courier: born to be there live
Valentina Brambilla, Museo Egizio, Turin & Roberta Accordino
The Rise of the Really (really) Remote Freelance Registrar
Karen Jakubec, Malmö & Lucy Findley, London
On the return of cultural objects: a long-term renewable partnership around a contested object in the V&A collection
Ana Muñoz, Victoria & Albert Museum, London & Dr Jaques Schuhmacher, Victoria & Albert Museum, London
The myth about the perfect Museum Climate
Thor Nørmark-Larsen, Statens Museum for Kunst / National Gallery of Denmark
We Don’t Talk about Fight Club: Securing the Future of Art Movement
Alyson Rolington, Tate Gallery, London & Kate Parsons
Towards a general transport quotation scheme?
Thor Nørmark-Larsen, Statens Museum for Kunst/National Gallery of Denmark & Wendela Brouwer, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Center for study and conservation / Museum Storage Facilities, the example of the Strasbourg Museums
Ludovic Chauwin, Musees de Strasbourg
Changing Spaces: Visible Storage through the WAG-Qaumajuq Vault
Nicole Fletcher, WAG-Qaumajuq, Winnipeg
Beyond Building ONE – The Future of Collecting and Storage at the Science Museum Group
Amy Brown, Science Museum Group, London
Renewing managing collections : The case of the Louvre Museum conservation centre
Raphaëlle Baume, Louvre Conservation Center in Liévin & Marie-Lys Marguerite, Louvre Conservation Center in Liévin
Sustainable Strategies for Future Proofing the Workforce II – ‘The New Normal’ Delivering Registrar Training in Partnership through Covid and Beyond. Part 2
Katie Robson, Royal Armouries, Leeds & Sarah Murray, Leeds Museums and Galleries & Jill McKnight, Royal Armouries, Leeds
Effective Registration for Co-curation
Joanne Smith, FREELANCE, London & Samantha Jenkins, People’s History Museum , Manchester
Share and/or Protect
Desirée Blomberg, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
CMS implementation and bilingual challenges, the case of the Royal Commission for AlUla
Marie-Astrid Martin, Royal Commission for AlUla
Storing European Past & Collecting European Future
Vladimir Čajkovac, House of European History, Brussels & Rocio del Casar Ximénez, House of European History, Brussels
Plenary Conclusion
Ludovic Chauwin, Musees de Strasbourg